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Jay Has to Say

My Aunt Bonnie started it: calling me "Jay". She always has and she always will and I can go years without seeing her and when I see her its the same thing: "Hey Jay! How have you been?" and then I get a big hug.

That is why that name sticks. My name is actually Jason, but Jay is what everyone calls me who knows me well enough; especially my Wife Sarah. She calls me Jay and I find it very affectionate.

This blog is dedicated to articles about everything. I always say, in regards to my Wife, she knows a little bit about everything, and then again sometimes a LOT about everything, but this blog is like that in that it is a little bit (and sometimes a lot) about everything, so please enjoy!

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Thursday, June 23, 2011


Just uploaded a video on YouTube of my Son Dominic proclaiming to all that he swallowed 3 of his big-boy vitamins, then at the end something happens. It's kind of funny. I was on YouTube and was watching that "Charlie Bit My Finger" video and noticed it has over 341 MILLION hits!!! Then I did some quick digging and realized that almost every single little baby or kid video had well over a million hits, if not close to that. THEN I realized that is what people like to see, no, LOVE to see. I am starting a mission of putting up some really funny videos of my kids for all to see in the hopes that people will simply laugh and enjoy, nay I say cry, at the beauty of our little boys! So do your search for it and enjoy! This is only the beginning.

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